Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Little Knitters, Big News

Finally I have captured my little knitters in action! Four just became interested in starting his own project this week. He's working on a foot warmer (I think this has something to do with my leg warmers) for mousey, who sits on his lap as he carefully knits each stitch. Six continues to work on his scarf. They are both so proud of their projects.

My friend, Monica (aka genius photographer), has asked me to knit this baby cocoon for her littlest subjects (scroll down a bit on the link and you'll see it). I'm starting on this tonight. In fact, the yarn is calling to me now. It's so soft and fluffy and beautiful, celery green, but I want to share one more joy before I sign off tonight.

If you look to the right you may notice a new link above the picture for Talking Hearts. Earlier this week I learned that my little book, which was originally intended as a gift for several family members and a few local nursing homes, had been added to the Maine Women Writers Collection! Elizabeth DeWolfe, Ph.D., the director of the Women's Studies Program at UNE, added my book to this unique collection in order to capture the voice of a young mother in the 21st century. The knowledge that my quiet voice is sharing a space with so many others who have come before me, and that it will be available to so many in the future, has kept me up a few nights this week. I'm so excited to be connected to other Maine women writers in this way.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the pictures! I can't wait to see Mousey's foot warmers :) I looked up your book on the UNE site...It's super exciting... Congrats again!!!